It has been said many times, that if you think you are going to win, you're right, and if you think you are going to lose, you are right too!
That is a very profound statement when you ponder it and it is essential to internalize it if you want to create a better life. The difference between a winner and a loser is basically that a winner expects to win and a loser expects to lose.
As I said, if you really yearn to create a better life, this is one of the first concepts that you must embrace. Being a winner truly always begins with an expectation to win. But don't be fooled! It is not that, that person has to always know exactly how! Expecting to win is the first real decision you must make, even before you have a plan or take action. This kind of attitude is the attitude that will get you through those tough moments when doubts begin to assail.
I remember Karl, a friend of mine. Every time he would go in for a job interview, he would always be so positive in his expectations. Many a time he went in and many a time he did not get the job he wanted. I asked him how he could always remain so cheerful and positive when everyone else in his position was beginning to give up and lose hope. He said, "I don't specifically expect to get that job, but I do expect that the very best job for me will come up and I will get it." That is, he expected, but was not fixed about a particular end result. This way leaves the Universe room to give you not just second best, but the result that is perfect for you.
This brings me to the point of standards and this is vital. if you want to create a better life. Look around you. Most people are not actually failing but they are accepting dreary second-best, because their standards are not high enough. You see this written on their faces as they grasp the straps of the underground. Most people, sadly, plod along from day to day, sticking with a job they don't really like and never thinking to ask more from Life than to scrape by! It is important that you have a high standard and that you expect to get what you want eventually.
To do the impossible, you have to believe. Think of the things that were once considered impossible. Climbing Mount Everest. The Four-Minute Mile, The Horseless Carriage. Now, we take these achievements for granted, because somebody once believed, once expected and pushed themselves over the border of unbelief.
Henry Ford is a wonderful example of someone who did create a better life and had high expectations. When he first wanted to build his V8 motor, all his engineers said it was impossible. However, Henry Ford believed it was possible, and just one year later, the impossible was achieved.
One word of advice. You must be VERY careful as to whom you share your expectations with. It is curious that the people who don't believe something is possible, will always, somehow, try to stop the people who believe something is possible. There is a Chinese Proverb based on that notion. This is an ancient wisdom that has been handed down for years. Therefore, only share your expectations with a trusted friend or nurture them yourself, with positive self-talk.
Remember, for most things, basically it is an equation. Believable = Possible. To create a better life, you can choose to make the Impossible, Possible, simply by believing in it and then, expecting it to happen!
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M.Elena Rogers. Founder:
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